Monday, March 30, 2020

Ways to Earn Money Tutoring Students

Ways to Earn Money Tutoring StudentsIf you want to work for the companies that offer test prep tutoring jobs, there are several methods you can choose from. It can be a lot of fun working with students in your community. You can do this by getting certified to tutor in person or by learning how to tutor online. It all depends on your interests and the kind of jobs you enjoy.You will find that some of the tutoring jobs available online require you to pay a fee, but others will not. You have many options to decide what works best for you. If you have ever taken one of these tutoring courses, you can always learn how to teach online. You just need to know what skills to put into practice in order to help students learn.If you have trouble finding time to study, you can make use of your time by tutoring students who have busy class schedules. You can be a little bit flexible with your schedule if you will be able to accommodate them. You will be able to maximize your time and be more suc cessful than if you try to fit a full schedule of testing around your activities.Some of the tutoring jobs you can find will also allow you to help people that already have degrees. This gives you the advantage of allowing you to advance your knowledge and become qualified faster. This will help you earn more money if you choose to continue this way.You can also find that tutoring jobs involve doing volunteer work in school districts and programs. The money you earn could come in handy and help you to get by without having to take out a loan. These are two of the most popular ways to earn money tutoring students. There are other methods you can choose as well.You may be interested in learning how to tutor in the local schools or can work online for other tutoring companies or institutions. This is the most popular way to earn money tutoring students because you can choose when you want to work. You do not have to wait until a school year ends or even the weekend. There are jobs that take place throughout the year and you can begin in the middle of the school year or go back to school at the end of the school year.This means that you will have a steady income from tutoring jobs. While you may have a favorite location where you would like to live, it is wise to choose a school district that does not require you to live close to the campus. This can be the case if you would like to be near your community where you can work from home. It is easier to work in a community that you are familiar with than if you would like to commute.There are a lot of benefits to tutoring jobs. If you take the time to look for them, you can earn a good amount of money and work during your spare time. Make sure that you check your area for available jobs and consider all of your options before you make a decision about where to live or if you choose to teach online.

Friday, March 6, 2020

?? The New GCSE Grading System Explained

?? The New GCSE Grading System Explained The New GCSE Grading System Explained Do you understand the new GCSE grading? There is currently a lot of confusion over the changes to GCSE grading that will start with this years results. Students receiving their GCSE results this summer, will see Maths and English graded between 9 and 1, with 9 being the highest grade achievable.It is currently only Maths and English GCSE’s that will be graded this way, however, other subjects will be following suit over the next few years. With the old A*-G grading system, it was widely known, that a grade C was considered a good pass, and that most Sixth Forms and Colleges would be looking for 5 GCSE’s grade A*-C for admission. Students and teachers alike are now confused over what exactly Sixth Forms and Colleges will be requiring. Is a grade 4 or grade 5 going to be considered a good pass? While the government are saying that a grade 4 will be enough for pupils to progress to the next stage in their education (if the Sixth Form/College decides it meets their requirements), they have expressed that their intention fr om 2019, is that pupils who don’t achieve a grade 5 in English or Maths will have to resit them in Sixth Form/College.There are lots of mixed messages about the new grading system and it seems that more in-depth explanations are needed. What are your thoughts on the new system? Do you think it’s a good idea to change it or do you think it should have remained how it was? Let us know!

Defining Carbohydrates Chemistry

Defining Carbohydrates ChemistryCarbohydrates Chemistry describes the chemical reactions that are inherent in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates contain a carbon and hydrogen attached to a sugar molecule, usually glucose or fructose. Ingestion of carbohydrates for long periods of time results in the body producing glucose as a byproduct of metabolism. The goal of the body is to maintain energy and provide vital nutrients for the cells.Carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars and then converted to energy and nutrients during metabolism. Carbohydrates have been discovered in the form of cereals, pastas, refined sugars, corn and rice; however, other foods can be used to replace them. They are referred to as starches.Studies show that complex carbohydrates contain a combination of fatty acids and other vitamins, minerals that make them beneficial for the body. They are particularly helpful for the liver and kidneys because they promote a faster rate of metabolism which makes the body e asier to digest.On the other hand, simple sugars are highly processed by the body and turn to fat as well as acid. However, in addition to this, the body also needs the complex carbohydrates for energy. This explains why there are diet and exercise plans that involve eating complex carbohydrates as part of the exercise program.The composition of carbohydrates chemistry is explained in the following. The three types of carbohydrates are glyco-cellulose, glucose, and fructose. Glyco-cellulose is the non-sugar form of glucose. Glucose is the sugar form of carbohydrates and fructose is glucose.Glyco-cellulose is commonly used in many industrial purposes as well as for the production of pharmaceuticals. It is one of the oldest forms of carbohydrates and it is often used as a raw material in the making of several foodstuffs. It is found in breads, pasta, beverages, candy, beverages, breads, and cakes. There are two different forms of glycoconjugates.The glucose-type glycoconjugate is solu ble in water, whereas the fructose-type glycoconjugate is not. If it has a higher molecular weight than fructose, it is considered to be glucose. Glucose and fructose are two of the main sources of calories in the human body. It has long been known that foods with high levels of sugar have adverse effects on the body. Hence, reducing consumption of these sugars is considered to be beneficial. Intake of carbs also decreases your risk of becoming overweight or developing a lot of other diseases.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Find a Great Math Tutor in Denver

How to Find a Great Math Tutor in DenverIf you're looking for a great math tutor, Denver is one of the best places to start. Colorado is home to a huge number of colleges and universities, and many employers are looking for top-performing employees. It's no wonder that this state is often referred to as 'America's math capital'. It's easy to see why people from all over the country are drawn to the mountains of Colorado and its many colleges and universities.However, finding a math tutor in Denver isn't as easy as you might think. There are a variety of options to consider when it comes to helping your child reach their math goals. This article will give you some tips on the best way to find a perfect math tutor for your child in Denver.The first step to finding a math tutor in Denver is to make sure that you've done enough research. Do you know anyone who has found the best math tutor in Denver? What is the individual's advice? If you're going to hire someone you should seek the opi nions of others. Make sure that they're a professional at their job, but also keep in mind their feelings about how they have helped students learn math.One of the best ways to get feedback on someone else's math tutor is to speak with the teacher of the student. Ask the teacher about their experiences with a particular math tutor. They may be able to help you choose a great tutor for your child. When they explain how well the tutor has helped them, you'll know whether they think they are excellent or just average. In some cases, they may even recommend that you select a tutor based on their advice.Don't forget to check out the schools in Denver. Some of the best math tutors in Denver are teachers themselves. Check out the student's grade point average, college GPA, as well as their SAT and ACT scores. All of these things can be used as a good indicator of a teacher's knowledge and ability.You should also check out one of the local colleges. If you live near any of the colleges, you can often meet the tutor before your child starts class. These visits can be helpful if you've already chosen a teacher, but are still unsure about the new teacher. You may get an idea of the personality of the teacher by seeing how the students respond to the tutor.The last thing you need to do when you're trying to find a math tutor in Denver is to find someone who really cares about your child. There's no need to worry about them making mistakes if you don't like the way they have been treating your child. Good teachers know how to help students feel comfortable, and that includes handling difficult students. Having a good teacher can lead to success.

How to Create a Summer Reading Program for You and Your Child

How to Create a Summer Reading Program for You and Your Child Summer vacation is a welcome break for many students, but it is equally as critical that this time away from school does not interfere with your childs learning and skills development. One way to continue your students educational progress is to ensure that he or she reads over the summer. This can keep your childs mind stimulated, as well as ease the transition back to school in the fall. These three tips can also help themto stay current in their classesover the summer.Here are four things to consider when creating a summer reading program for you and your student: 1. Book selection Begin with a trip to the bookstore or the library so your child can pick several books that interest him or her. Your local public library will likely offer the cheapest options. You can set content guidelines, but it is important that your student be interested in the reading material otherwise, he or she may not read at all. Remember that all books can help with language development, comprehension, spelling, creativity, and much more. Ensure that your child selects age- and reading level-appropriate books, and schedule a weekly trip to check out or buy new materials.Areading tutormay also help them keep up with their reading during the summer and give you book options your child may not mind reading. 2. Unplugged time Often, mandated reading time can make students groan. Instead, set aside a regular time each night for the whole familyto go screen-free or unplugged. Turn off smartphones, tablets, laptops, televisions, and any other electronics. During this downtime, model the behavior you would like to see in other words, read! At first, your child may resist, but encourage him or her to continue. Scheduling this time right before bed may also help with sleep patterns. These 6 activities can help students keep learning this summer. 3. Gentle competition Set up a friendly competition between your student and yourself. Assign points for reading, such as one point per page, and then keep track of how many pages each member of the family reads per day. You can keep a tally on a piece of paper or on a whiteboard on the refrigerator, but the more public the points are, the more the practice encourages friendly competition. At the end of each week, the person who has read the most pages wins. Track these weekly tallies until the end of summer so you can see how many pages and books your family has finished. Youll likely be surprised by the number! 4. Small rewards You can also augment your competition by offering prizes to each weeks winner. Because the hope is to encourage your child to intrinsically love reading, avoid expensive prizes or prizes that cause resentment among members of your family. Instead, hand out a ribbon or trophy to the person who is leading the reading challenge each week or set goals for the whole family, and reward the family for meeting these reading benchmarks together. For example, if the family reaches a specific number of pages in a single week, then the whole family can go out for pizza, bowling, or dessert (or all three)!Remember summer experiences can also help your childcraft college essaysin the future! A summerreading program is a great way to keep your student learning and developing over vacation. A summer reading program can also help to ease the transition back to school in the fall since your child will be accustomed to daily academic work. Most important of all, be sure to have fun, and to enjoy this reading challenge with your student!

A Student Review of the University of Pennsylvania

A Student Review of the University of Pennsylvania Sean earned his bachelors degree in economics and psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. He specializes in GMAT tutoring, algebra tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, he shares his experience at the University of Pennsylvania: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Sean: The University of Pennsylvania is located in the University City neighborhood of Philadelphia, a vibrant part of downtown Philly also home to Drexel University and the University of the Sciences. While the area surrounding campus is urban, the campus itself is beautiful, safe, and quiet and offers a respite from city life. The public transportation options include a subway and an extensive bus system. It can be useful to have a bike to get around; having a car is a luxury and not necessary. How vailable are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Sean:My professors, teaching assistants, and academic advisers were all accessible and willing to meet with students to discuss class matters. The professors and TAs held regular office hours. Students could meet with academic advisors by setting appointments or just dropping in. How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Sean:UPenn offers a variety of dorm options to meet different students needs. The quad is the largest dorm complex, housing thousands of undergraduates and embodying the typical college living experience. The high rises, where I spent my first two years, are three 24-story apartment buildings with private bedrooms and in-suite kitchens and baths. Dining halls are located either within the dorm or a short walk away and offer great food at reasonable prices. There are plenty of opportunities for students to socialize, whether it be just hanging out in one of the dorm's recreation rooms or group outings organized by resident advisors. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Sean:UPenn offers a wide variety of top undergraduate programs, including business, engineering, communications, nursing, and liberal arts. I double majored in economics and psychology, due to an intrinsic curiosity in the two subjects. I also took advantage of the opportunity to take classes in a wide array of disciplines, from chemistry to gender studies. The university offered support for any student expressing an interest. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Sean:I found it relatively easy to meet people and make friends as a freshman. The first week of school was marked by several events organized by either the school or the dorm for students to gather and socialize with one another. Many of the students I met that first week I remained friends with throughout my time at UPenn. Greek life also offered plenty of opportunities to meet friends. There are over 50 fraternities and sororities at UPenn, and more than 25 percent of students decide to join one of these organizations. How helpful are the Career Centerand other student support services? Sean:There are a multitude of support services for student development available to all those who wish to take advantage of them. This includes career support services. As an Ivy League institution attracting the best and the brightest, many reputable companies come to campus for recruiting. How are the various study areas, such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Sean:There are many readily-available study areas, ranging from quiet cafes to the vast expanses of the various campus libraries. Personally, I spent a lot of time in the private study rooms in the Wharton Schools Huntsman building. These rooms, which students can book online, are equipped with a computer and smartboard. Describe the surrounding town. Sean:UPenn is located in downtown Philadelphia. The city offers a multitude of entertainment options, including museums (the Mutter Museum of medical oddities is a must-visit), historical sites, the vibrant South Street corridor, professional sports, and everything else you would expect in a major city. Its quite common for students to venture into the surrounding neighborhoods to explore everything Philadelphia has to offer. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Sean:There are around 10,000 undergraduate students at UPenn. Classes range in size from large lectures with over a hundred students to small classes with five or 10 students. I never had any issues with the class sizes. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Sean:My most memorable experience was the over two years I spent with my mentor Dr. Steven Sayers. I took a small psychology seminar with Dr. Sayers and was lucky enough to be offered a research assistant position with him studying psychology and medical treatment adherence at the nearby Philadelphia veterans hospital. There, Dr. Sayers went out of his way to teach me the intricacies of research design, data gathering, statistical analysis, and manuscript preparation. He was also generous enough to give me credit on his published research papers and bring me to a conference in Salt Lake City to present our findings. Check out Seans tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

The Best Dutch Revision Guides

The Best Dutch Revision Guides Improve your Dutch with These Resources ChaptersThe Best Books for Revising DutchThe Best Websites for Reviewing DutchThe Best Apps for Dutch RevisionSacrificing learning for economic reasons is really never a good idea â€" not on the part of individual students nor on the part of the entities whose mission is to provide access to study materials and teachers to guide the learning.There are a few problems with that philosophy, the main one being that, if there is little to no demonstrated interest in learning a given subject, nor is the pool of qualified teachers sufficiently large to deliver diversity in instruction, why continue to expend resources when they could be better applied elsewhere?That is exactly what happened to Dutch language instruction in our schools.Still, there are language learners who are actively looking for outlets to certify their language skills, which obviously means that there are students who wish to learn Dutch and make the language of Amsterdam a central part of their lives.Fortunately, we liv e in the information age: anything we could ever want to know is virtually at our fingertips!In consideration of those who have a passion for the Dutch language; for those who have applied themselves throughout their secondary school years only to discover that sitting Dutch GCSEs will be a much more convoluted process...For those frustrated at the fact that Dutch A-Levels have been consigned to history, your Superprof now presents the best Dutch learning and review resources so that, when you are ready, you will be able to face your certification exam with the greatest of confidence.Yes, there are certification exams; they’re just not the ones you expected!Pocketwoordenboek Nederlands als Tweede Taal (NT2).Unlike the publications meant for native speakers, this dictionary indicates the usage of de or het for every word and gives sample sentences. It also gives the plural of nouns and details a bit of verb conjugation.The word definitions are given only in Dutch which, if you are at least at GCSE level, should be a boon because it provides an extra opportunity to read and understand your second language.If you are not yet that advanced, you may need a bit of grammar study.Should you have a good grasp of Dutch vocabulary but you lack a thorough grounding in language mechanics, Concise Dutch Grammar would be more your cup of tea.Perhaps you may actually prefer the edition that includes poetry and essays so you can get your reading practice in: what a great way to gain exposure to both the language and culture of the Netherlands!Another great way would be to talk with a Dutch native speaker or two...You might be surprised at the number of websites to help you learn Dutch! Source: Pixabay Credit: FirmbeeThe Best Websites for Reviewing DutchThe aforementioned Van Dale dictionaries are just a small part of that group’s resources for learning Dutch.Indeed, you will find so much more on their webpage, which includes a free dictionary (nowhere near as good for your purposes as the NT2 we mentioned above!), select articles covering current events and a full page dedicated to language training.Naturally, the page is in Dutch â€" what a great way to hone your reading skills! If in doubt over any word or topic discussed, you may, of course, run it through their built-in translator.Of everything they have to offer, their Online at School utility is the crown jewel of their site!For only €1.50 per student per year, they grant access to the spelling, meaning and pronunciation of thousands of words and, if you feel you need it, you may also engage their translation function.Unfortunately, there is no chat function on their site...However, there is italki!This platform allows you to connect directly with a Dutch native, schedule language sessions in accord with your calendar and timetable and get all of the chat time you need with a native speaker of Dutch.You do not pay a fee to join; however, each tutor sets their own rates per lesson, generally c harging a reduced rate for their first lesson.What if there were a better deal to be had?Superprof has more than 100 Dutch tutors, a substantial number of whom have relocated to our country and most of whom give their first hour of lessons at no charge!You might choose to learn with:Lars, who specialises in conversation at the native level, has earned glowing testimonials from his students!Amrita, another stellar Dutch teacher, offers lessons by webcam or in person if you live in the Birmingham areaElisa, who lives in Salford, has taught all levels of Dutch language learners. You should check out her unusual methodology...Superprof verifies all teachers’ credentials to ensure you the best learning experience possible and permits you to give feedback on your Dutch teacher so that future students will know how much you enjoyed learning with your Superprof.Why calculate time zone differences when you can review exam particulars with a Dutch Superprof in Great Britain?Before we move o n to discover the best apps for Dutch study, let us present one more site which has earned honourable mention:Forvo is a pronunciation guide, handy if you get stuck saying common phrases or some of those combination words that the Dutch language is renown forYou may use a wealth of apps to review Dutch on the go! Source: Pixabay Credit: JeshootsThe Best Apps for Dutch RevisionHands down, DutchPod 101 gets top billing from anyone learning Dutch.Of course, you, being more advanced in you speaking, may well have to skip ahead to find lessons that will challenge you!Nevertheless, there is value to be had here, the best possibly being the community chat function where you would meet with other language learners to discuss lessons and practice speaking Dutch.Other features include both audio and video lessons, flashcards and downloadable lesson notes.While there is no fee to partake of this learning programme, Glossika charges a monthly rate of $25 to learn and review Dutch after a free t rial.This language programme makes use of all of the modern teaching philosophies such as spaced repetition and their  mass sentence method, as they call it.Otherwise known as the 10,000 sentence method, this learning method postulates that, if confronted with enough sample sentences in the same language, the learner will assimilate word patterns and grammatical structure, and will soon start building new sentences without further instruction.You may be interested in knowing that this is the same theorem that drives machine learning!While there is arguably some merit to the method, it may prove a bit too cumbersome for a learner at your level who, after all, is looking for review materials.In that light, you may find it strange that we would recommend Duolingo...That language learning app’s selling point is its level testing: before you engage in learning anything, you should submit to a simple test to determine your understanding of Dutch, after which you will be presented with s entences and activities suited to your level of learning.What we really like about this app is its ways of engaging learners in all areas of language study.You would be called on to read, write, speak and listen to Dutch phrases and be challenged to demonstrate your understanding of such through periodic quizzes.Further incentives â€" as though fluency in your second language weren’t enough, include virtual badges and medals, pinned to your profile page.It is quite unfortunate that the language you so love, that boasts so many reasons to learn it, is not more popular. That means there are not as many resources to learn it or avenues to certify your skills and abilities... and that is such a shame!Nevertheless, we hope that this list of review resources will help you prepare well for when you sit your Dutch language certification exam.Good luck!

Fun Physics Experiments For Kids

Fun Physics Experiments For Kids Experimenting With Physics For Kids ChaptersFun Physics Experiments For KidsSchool Science Project Fair TipsKids love to explore, discover and ask questions.Even by the age of two or three, when they first start speaking, many children begin to respond to anything you say to them with 'why?'! Even before they are mobile, a child will still spend time trying to get their head around how things in this world work, like switches, flaps and doorknobs, and so on.Their curious minds develop from the moment they are born and they spend their first years trying to take in as much about the world as they possibly can. This doesn't stop or slow down when they start school and begin to learn about entirely new subjects and concepts, in fact, this only makes them keener to explore more about this world they live in.Babies begin exploring the world around them from inside the womb and they become more curious as they become more mobile and their mind develops. Photo credit: quinn.anya on / CC BY-SAIn an ideal world, paren ts and teachers want to encourage children in the care to:listenobserveexploreexperimentreinventtestevaluatequestionthink criticallyand more…Thankfully, Physics as a school science subject helps to answer many of their big questions, such as our place in our solar system, how cars work, how an airplane  stays up in the sky and more. What's more, it forces them to do most of the above without even giving it a second thought.From catapults to rockets, stars to planets, you will find something that will get children excited about learning about Physics at home or in the classroom, you simply need to keep the momentum up!Just take a look at some of the fun experiments, games, and quizzes that we've discovered which can add to the fun of educating your kids about Physics!With the help of these hands on  science activities, encourage your kids to make predictions, discuss what they've seen and learned, and re-test their ideas to absorb as much information as they can.Science is often a mysterious  thing for children to behold and, naturally, they just love to figure things out on their own (with your help and supervision, of course!).Don’t do the project for your child! Many parents tend to jump in and make children’s work cleaner and more presentable, or simply get too involved so that it is no longer the child's work. Instead, let them do the learning (which will also improve their ability to do scientific research and present their findings in the future) and the work in their own way. Think of yourself as a helpful guide who facilitates the project rather than controls it.3. Together, choose something age appropriate.When your child has the freedom to choose their prep, homework or science fair project, then choosing the idea they want to try is important but it must also be vetted by an adult to make sure it's not too ambitious a feat! Simply make sure your child is capable of completing the steps of the project themselves, with minimal input and supervis ion from you.Need some help? Get a Physics and Maths tutor S1.4. Use STEAM ideasSTEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths, and the buzzwork STEAM has 'stemmed' from this.  STEAM concepts incorporate science projects that crossover into art, math, engineering and more, so be sure to look up ideas online before you march ahead with your science project!As with most things, you can easily search for inspiration for science projects for kids online by using keywords or relevant questions, For instance, you might like to Google science videos on how to make slime, how does a lava lamp work, how to create a balloon rocket, how to construct simple machines, how to make dancing raisin, what happens when you mix diet coke and mentos, and other ideas for kids.

When Is A Number A Prime Number

When Is A Number A Prime Number What Are Prime Numbers And How To Use Them? ChaptersHow Do You Define A Prime Number?What Are The Prime Numbers?How To Calculate Prime NumbersCool Math Games To Memorize Prime Numbers Easily?Cool Math: Prime Fact That You May Not Get In Your Math ClassGames On: Learning Fun With MathsGreat Ideas To Bring Math Fun Back Into Your Learning:Have you ever heard a mathematician speak? It is like they are speaking another language. Pythagorean theorem, equivalent fractions, differential equations, probability, algebra, geometry, square roots, trigonometry (trig.), decimal places, negative numbers. Wow!! Sounds like they are having word problems but they certainly don’t need math help. But any serious learner of maths will understand at least some of what they are saying. To all the non-math enthusiasts or those who know just basic math; however, it may just sound like gibberish.The number of sense behind those words opens up to you if you just take the time to study a little bit of their background. Math is full of rich and vibrant history, where the special number Pi, the e of Euler, the history number i, and of course the golden ratio. Where discovered and expanded upon by the greatest mathematicians of the time. Building upon the principles of Addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. The great masters created mathematical concept, formulas, sequences and number systems to bring logic to the world as we know it.These discoveries are the pillars of the world as we know it today. Maths has laid the foundations for the modernity that we have come to know and love. Computers, cars, the internet, banking, trade, telling time, and all numbers as we know them to include our own DNA is working based on equations and formulas as discovered by genius mathematicians.As a math student, you have to understand that your acquisition of mathematical concepts isn’t just arbitrary information. But you are learning what is essentially an ancient language, one which is used to make sense of the world around us. Your math learning during your mathematics education should be seen as a discovery.The math curriculum is full of opportunities to learn from kindergarten when you have introduced to your times tables, dividing, adding and subtracting. To high school when you continue to develop with math problems made up of sequences, fractions algebraic equations and other number systems. College math opens up your understanding further with advanced quadratic equations, Exponent numbers, Graphing, Inequalities, Algebra trigonometry, Quadratic equation and more.If you are serious about your math practice, you will be aiming for mastery. While this can be stressful especially when a concept seems difficult to grasp. It is important to remember how much you have learnt already, math concepts like whole numbers and even counting were once foreign to you but given time you had success and risen above the core standards of the curriculum.Let’s Learn math and some more of its number patterns, let’s take a look at the prime numbers.Have you ever heard a mathematician speak? Photo Source: Unsplash MyriamMaths Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £200/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KamalMaths Teacher 5.00 (9) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PetarMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GowsikaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConorMaths Teacher 4.75 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHow Do You Define A Prime Number?A  prime number  is a natural number that is only divisible (equally without creating decimals or rounding) by 1 and itself.  According to this definition, 0 and 1 are not prime numbers since 0 is divisible by all positive numbers, and 1 is only divisible by a single positive number.For example:2 is a prime number because the factors of 2 are 1 and 24 is not a prime number because it can also because dividing it by 2. Therefore the factors of 4 are too many - 1, 2 and 4Prime numbers are considered a key foundation of arithmetic and mathematics.   This is due to the fact that all numbers are either a prime number or they can be calculated by multiplying prime numbers with each other.For example:84, is not a prime number but can be made by 2x2x3x7.What Are The Prime Numbers?Thanks to  Euclid's theorem  on prime numbers, we know that prime numbers. Like many special numbers continue infinitely, so there is no finite exhaustive list of prime numbers. However, it is possible to recite the  prime numbers  by defining an opening and a closing point.For example:There are 25 prime numbers from 0 to 100: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97.This list is short enough for you to memorise it and look like a math master to your math tutor when they next ask you about the numbers. If you can remember this list, it will also give you an easy foundation to create the rest of the prime numbers.The great masters created mathematical concept, formulas, sequences and number systems. Photo Source: UnsplashHow To Calculate Prime NumbersTo find out if a number is a prime number you can first divide it by 2. Which is easy to do for almost all numbers that you will come across. If the answer is a whole number, then it can’t be a prime number.If the number is not even then follow the same procedure with the prime numbers 3, 5, 7, 11For example:Let's check if 13 is a prime number using this method.13/2=6.5 (the answer is not a whole number therefore we continue)Let’s following the sequence with 3, 5, 7, 11It is safe to say that 13 is a Prime number as we know.Let’s check with a number we don’t know891 looks like a good number891/2= 445.5 then 891/3=297Well, it is not a prim e number since when divided by 3 it became a whole number.When I check the Prime number chart the last prime number in the 800’s is 887 so It works.So this is an easy way to work it out.Learn more easy ways around maths problems from a reputable maths tutor near me. MyriamMaths Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £200/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KamalMaths Teacher 5.00 (9) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PetarMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GowsikaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConorMaths Teacher 4.75 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsCool Math Games To Memorize Prime Numbers Easily?This is a bit of mental math that will not require much of your math ski ll, but it will need you to use your memory. While you can get this on printable worksheets and keep them with you in a discrete place. It is always better to actually learn your math facts so that when you are in the classroom, you can be actually learning math and not searching for your notes or placeholders in textbooks. This can be used to memorize anything.It has been recognized that in order to retain a memory of anything that the thing should have some meaning to you. Words often have much more meaning than a series of numbers.For example, we can develop a personalised memory system by associating numbers with words if you can make them somehow related to the number this can help you to remember their meaning:0 to Zara,1 to Hun2 to blue,3 to tree,4 to poor,5 to hive,6 to sticks7 to heaven,8 to gate,9 to peg.By saying the primes aloud, you will see that you will associate the sound with the corresponding number.Give free rein to your imagination by using this math game, creati ng stories from the names and objects. Now let's see what the first example will give us:Blue tree hive heaven = 2, 3, 5, 7,A blue tree with a hive grew to heavenIf you repeat this, then you would have created a great memory system that will help the math skills that you can use for any complex numbers sequence in math. Just multiply the exercise to cover high numbers or work out a system for 1-9. There are many memory techniques like this that you can use to help you remember long sequences of numbers.These discoveries are the pillars of the world as we know it today. Photo Source: UnsplashCool Math: Prime Fact That You May Not Get In Your Math ClassAll prime numbers end in 1, 3, 7 or 9 apart from 2 and 5. Each of these endings has a 25% chance of showing up, and if you know the previous number in the prime sequence, you should also know that these numbers do not like to show up in doubles. So if you have 11, you would get another number ending in 1 again for a few digits. Easy to understand? I hope so, why not take a look and try to find your own pattern.Games On: Learning Fun With MathsHaving fun and mathematics don’t sound like they go together, but When you are having happy, you retain knowledge longer and learn faster. If you can remember your first math teacher may have used math games, singing or videos to help you enjoy solving your time's tables, basic sums, calculus, adding and subtracting. As we grow up, we get much more serious about math and somehow lose the fun aspect of the subject.Solving math problems the fun way with jigsaw puzzles and quizzes. Is an engaging way to study math.Great Ideas To Bring Math Fun Back Into Your Learning:Don’t study alone. Tutoring other students at school in exchange for credit to be tutored could be a great way to study with other budding mathematicians.Math online: Watch fun math videos, search for free online math blogs, join math forums on facebook,Mobile maths: Play online math games via mobile apps. Sudok u is funMeet up with your friends: create a free math study group.Download: free math worksheets or math sheetsHire a math tutor: develop a lesson plan with them to meet your needs and have fun.Record: the Math tutorials that your teacher give you and listen to it later when you are more relaxed.Have fun mathematically, take lots of math courses, ignore the decimal places, call your tutors, experiment with square roots, check for symmetry, divide negative numbers, sing your homework, solve problems, think outside of the triangles and above the number line.Follow the math curriculum or core standards but don’t be glued to them. It is ok to be creative, it how all of the most famous mathematicians in history discovered modern day maths. Learn all you need to know and invent the rest.You can read more about the special and rare perfect numbers next